Monday, September 3, 2007


Golden Lion Tamarin
(one of the adult)
Smithsonian Zoo, DC
Photo 2007

(One of the babies, not a good shot but I think this shows what they look like.)

This is one of my favorite display at the Smithsonian Zoo. These monkeys, during summer, are on free range exhibit. They put them back inside a warm area during winter. When they are inside enclosure you can view them closely (and gosh they are so cute) but when they are free range they are so happy that they are all over. Of course a few handlers are around keeping an eye on them in case the patrons misbehave or the animals itself. The zoo has quite a few of them but only a handful are on free range. I was hoping they have the pygmy marmoset on display but none yet, next time perhaps.

Both photos were enhance significantly, boosting the colors with Mac's iPhoto software. I don't have any other software, not yet anyway! Although am thinking of buying Photoshop sometime.

More info here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have a passion for the golden lion tamarins because they are really beautiful. :)